Frequently Asked Questions
ObscureEncrypter is not only an encryption program but also an obscurer it provides three different level of security apart from encryption
What is obscure?
Obscure is making a file unreadable to the naked eye.
You will need jre version 1.3 and above
Version one only provides 168, due to export restrictions. Version 2 will be unlimited.
currently only uses Blowfish though, other like DES are to be included in later
JRE do I need?
You will need jre version 1.3 and above
Jdk 1.3 and above is recommended though 1.2 will also work though not tested
ObscureEncrypter uses a more secure means of encryption through the use of keys which provide a higher level of strength. You should treat the keys as you would treat your password.
Here for more info on this
Yes the same key can be used. When encrypting a file simply uncheck the new key box
No, new properties file have to be created otherwise they get deleted
The key should always kept secure and not near the obscured file. As you wouldn’t keep you pin number next to your credit card
Either Email Me or put in a support request
Unfortunately nothing can be done if you loose your key
Copyrighted to Asif Akhtar 2003